Analyze text with Azure AI Language


การใช้งานเหมือนปกติเลย สร้าง Resource ตามงาน > สร้าง Endpoint + Key เพื่อใช้

Detect language

เป็น REST โดยมีข้อกำหนด

JSON response

Ref: Detect language - Training | Microsoft Learn

    "kind": "LanguageDetection",
    "parameters": {
        "modelVersion": "latest"
                "id": "1",
                "text": "Hello world",
                "countryHint": "US"
                "id": "2",
                "text": "Bonjour tout le monde"

Extract key phrases


    "kind": "KeyPhraseExtraction",
    "parameters": {
        "modelVersion": "latest"
              "id": "1",
              "language": "en",
              "text": "You must be the change you wish 
                       to see in the world."
              "id": "2",
              "language": "en",
              "text": "The journey of a thousand miles 
                       begins with a single step."

Analyze sentiment