Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

**Create an Azure OpenAI Service

Azure OpenAI Studio - เอาไว้สร้าง Deployment ****จะได้ End Point ให้ Client ใช้


types of generative AI models

Deploy Model

az cognitiveservices account deployment create \\
   -g OAIResourceGroup \\
   -n MyOpenAIResource \\
   --deployment-name MyModel \\
   --model-name gpt-35-turbo \\
   --model-version "0301"  \\
   --model-format OpenAI \\
   --sku-name "Standard" \\
   --sku-capacity 1

Use prompts to get completions from models

รูปแบบที่เราให้ AI ช่วยได้

Task type Prompt example Completion example
Classifying content Tweet: I enjoyed the trip.Sentiment: Positive
Generating new content List ways of traveling 1. Bike2. Car ...
Holding a conversation A friendly AI assistant See examples
Transformation (translation and symbol conversion) English: HelloFrench: bonjour
Summarizing content Provide a summary of the content{text} The content shares methods of machine learning.
Picking up where you left off One way to grow tomatoes is to plant seeds.
Giving factual responses How many moons does Earth have? One

Completion quality